Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Vitamins are complex compounds of a substance that is needed by our body that serves to aid the body's regulation of activities or processes. Without vitamin humans, animals and other living creatures will not be able to perform activities of life and can lead to vitamin deficiencies increase the chances of developing the disease in our bodies.

Vitamin C is often referred to as the king of vitamins, vitamin C is because it has many benefits. As well as being an antioxidant that can fight free radicals, vitamin C also plays a role in enhancing the immune system.

Vitamin C is needed, especially in big cities. Not to mention free radicals such as pollution from motor vehicles and cigarette smoke, as well as other, more scattered. All that makes the body vulnerable to a variety of health problems. Endurance easy downhill and attack free radicals makes the body's cells are easily damaged and unable to function properly. One result of the rapid decay process it is premature skin aging.

Doses of vitamin C the ideal is 75 milligrams per day. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should certainly take vitamin C greater than that amount. There is also the opinion sufficiently to consume 200 milligrams a day. For people living with stress or those who live in big cities full of pollution, a dose of 500 milligrams is a pretty good dose.

Various health benefits of vitamin C include:

Best Antioxidants

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant in the body. We need Vitamin C as a front line defense against free radicals. Here, the main function is to capture and neutralize free radicals before the free radicals that can damage cells in our body.

In the body, free radicals 'handled' by a lot of vitamins and minerals in your body. What makes vitamin C so important?

First, because vitamin C is water-soluble vitamins, and water was everywhere in our bodies, in all cells of the body and the spaces in between. Because free radicals are ubiquitous throughout the body, the body needs vitamin C to always be alert everywhere to handle.

Secondly, powerful antioxidants such as Vitamin E and other antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione need Vitamin C to be able to function properly.

Vitamin C is also needed by other enzymes in collecting and filtering toxins and pollutants like lead in your body. Now is the impact of environmental pollution is almost impossible to avoid. The faster the toxins out of the body, the less damage that can be caused. Your best protection is vitamin C doses.

Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease

Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis. Collagen fibers form the connective tissues strong and is important for skin, muscle, blood vessels and other important body parts. Vatamin C deficiency tends to weaken the foundation of the structure to the blood vessels, the heart, and the heart muscle.

The role of vitamin C in collagen formation is a positive factor to prevent coronary disease. Research shows that vitamin C deficiency causes arterial damage cell structure that can be filled with cholesterol and cause atherosclerosis. Vitamin C nutritional adequacy rate was set at 60 mg daily.

Faster Healing the Flu

Is Vitamin C can prevent us from colds, flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia? No. Is vitamin C can help heal faster than a cold, flu, bronchitis or pneumonia? Yes.

If you are basically healthy and consume an extra 1,000 to 2,000 mg of vitamin C, flu-like symptoms, fever, or a cold earlier probably will not aggravate your condition and you can recover more quickly. For the elderly, more and more taking extra Vitamin C is very good for health.

A low intake of vitamin C makes you more susceptible to illness, while your body takes a lot of vitamin C when the cells of your body to work against the disease. 1000 mg of vitamin C a day will improve your immune system.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Research shows that people who habitually consume high doses of vitamin C have lower cholesterol levels. They also have low levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and higher HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

So if your total cholesterol is high, if you can lower it by consuming vitamin C? It depends. If the current consumption of vitamin C levels, increased consumption of vitamin C will help you lower your total cholesterol by raising your HDL levels. If the present rate of consumption of vitamin C you are high, for example, consume 2,000 mg per day, this will not affect your cholesterol levels.

If your cholesterol level is high (above 220 mg / Dl, but below 240 mg / Dl), taking vitamin C supplements along with a low-fat diet, exercise, and weight loss, can lower cholesterol levels. If your cholesterol is above 240 mg / Dl, and you have started using drugs to lower cholesterol levels, first consult your doctor before trying vitamin C doses.

Lowering Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (above 140/90) is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, and also for kidney disease. Many studies show that people with high levels of vitamin C had lower blood pressure slightly lower than people with low vitamin C levels. The difference is about four points in the diastolic (when the heart is relaxed between beats). It may not sound like much, but lower diastolic blood pressure by just two points alone, it can reduce the chance of heart disease as much as 8%. It's one of the reasons why the elderly who habitually consume high doses of vitamin C had lived less risk of heart attack and stroke.

If your blood pressure numbers is high, vitamin C, along with exercise, losing weight, and quitting smoking can help you lower your blood pressure down.

Boost the Immune System

The immune system protects you from infection. This is done by several types of white blood cells and other chemicals as a courier who will decide where the white blood cells to go and what to do. When healthy, you have about a trillion white blood cells in the body. When sick, the body will produce millions more white blood cells to fight the disease every hour.

All cells and chemical messengers had to take a lot of vitamin C can work well. We still do not know for sure whether vitamin C can prevent you from falling ill, but we know that vitamin C can help you recover from illness more quickly. If you are sick or have an infection, take vitamin C more than usual will help boost the immune system.

Healing Wounds

One sign of scurvy is a wound that can not be cured or old wounds resurfaced. Therefore you need vitamin C to make collagen, which will repair connective tissue and heal wounds. taking extra Vitamin C will help you heal faster if you have cuts, scrapes, broken bones, burns, or other injury types.

If you are having surgery, levels of vitamin C you might be low after surgery, we do not know exactly why it happened. To help you heal and fight infection, levels of vitamin C in your body should be high. Try to consume 1,000 mg a day for at least two weeks before surgery and four weeks after surgery. You will not only recover faster from surgery, you will also avoid the 'bed sores' (or damage to skin caused by irritants, such as chronic pain sufferers who lie too long) because the collagen underneath your skin will become stronger.

Powerful Against Allergies

If you sneeze, it's because your immune system thinks that the 'foreign substances' which has entered into the body of your attacker is a germ which should be abolished. To do this, your immune system before releasing chemicals called histamines into the blood. The main victims of the battle against "invaders" is you. Histamines your own that makes you sneeze, sneeze, sniffle, cough, itching, and other events that are usually unpleasant.

Drugs are against the natural histamines called antihistamines. There are many different types of anti-histamine, and many are sold free of any drug store. The long list of warnings and side effects on the drug's label is more than a little scary. Most antihistamines can make you drowsy.

If you have health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, prostate, or lung disease, you should not use drugs kind of anti-histamine.

There is an easier, more natural and cheaper way to resolve respiratory allergies, namely Vitamin C. Try to consume 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day for several weeks. Manfatnya are your allergies will subside and disappear as long as you continue to mengkonsumni vitamin C earlier. This is because vitamin C to keep your immune system making more histamines to get started and help you remove the allergen was out of the blood stream faster.

Caring for Your Skin

Other studies have found that vitamin C works as an antioxidant that can prevent the oxidation of unsaturated fats into a form peroxides that are harmful to the body and can impair the cardiovascular system (trigger high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, etc.). This is useful for the production of collagen tissue that serves to strengthen the skin, cartilage, tendons, and blood vessel walls. Collagen contained in it may help stimulate skin cell renewal process, thus helping to prevent premature aging and address a variety of skin problems.

Vitamin C can be consumed directly or applied to the skin. Highly recommended to take vitamin C regularly. To maintain health and increase endurance, it is advisable to take vitamin C at a dose of between 500 to 1,000 mg / day. To maintain the beauty of skin needs vitamin C at a dose of 500-2000 mg / day. To reduce black spots on the skin are advised to consume vitamin C between 2,000 to 4,000 mg / day in the form of buffer (no acid) that can be consumed 1-1.5 hours after eating. Although safe in high doses and is soluble in water, while vitamin C is recommended to increase drinking water in order to avoid the occurrence of crystallization in the kidneys.

Today, vitamin C widely used as a major ingredient in many skin care products. For example, when applied to the skin, vitamin C will act immediately to protect the skin against oxidative-stress (free radical) that occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet rays that cause premature aging of the skin problem.

Side Effects

Vitamin C nutritional adequacy rate was set at 60 mg daily. If you want to take high doses of vitamin C should consult with a doctor, because it involves the side effects that can be suffered. So far, vitamin C is safe for consumption. But it is said vitamin C should not be given to patients with kidney failure and kidney stones, because it will spur the formation of kidney stones. Vitamin C can also interfere with the body's absorption of necessary minerals such as copper. Vitamin C is a compound that facilitates the absorption of iron. Should not be given to patients who have iron overload. For example, patients hematokromatosis (staining tissues with blood pigment).


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